How to increase potency in men: a list of the products for quick action

The strength of a man is a thing fragile, and weaken the degree of different factors: stress, ecology, and fatigue. But there is good news — to improve the health of men is possible with the help of a special diet.

Useful food

Power men can have an impact a number of reasons: the psychological distress, the age, the long period of abstinence, stress, sedentary lifestyle, bad habits. Of course, in order to improve the erection should start to lead a healthy life style, stop being nervous, to find spiritual comfort. But this is not always possible. Don't worry: there are special products to increase potency in men.

How it works

Products, increase male potency is a list of vegetables, fruit, fish and spices, which not only increase the erectile function, but also to increase libido. It's not worth to think that the list of such products includes only exotic dishes: most of them you can find in a normal shop. The power increase foods that are rich in zinc, selenium, vitamins and trace elements. It is also important to protein — for success in the bedroom of his need for a lot of. An important role is played and how the products were prepared. Try not to have overexposed them on the plate: as long as the food is thermally treated, the less nutrients there remains. Vegetables, in general, it is better to present as fresh salads, dressed with vegetable oil.

The list of products is so large that you can plan an entire menu for a week without ever repeating themselves. The husband can not say anything: that you ask for an increase of desire, and an attractive, became his wife. For you what is the food also goes in favour of: spices, vegetables, fish — all of this affects not only on testosterone production, but also for beauty and health.


What foods increase potency in men? The full list

Remember, what products you can use to return the lost libido. But and instant results, not even wait — many useful substances need time to build up in the body and begin to exercise a beneficial effect on the body.


"Royal grass" — here, as in antiquity, basil. And the king could always boast of a great male health — while being old they have become fathers. So that the fresh basil and add to salad and dried meat or dishes, in which there is a tomato.


Perfumed vegetation of very fast increases the level of testosterone, after three hours after a meal, the man is already ready to amorous exploits. In addition, the regular consumption of parsley has an effect on the overall salutary effect on the male body improves the functioning of the intestine, and thyroid.


The cinnamon is difficult to call a product that increases the power, but it possesses other useful properties. Frequent "misfire" men are often the cause of insecurity, and this spice has the property to repay the faith in their own strength. Then cuddle favorite desserts with cinnamon or redo a coffee with her.


Since ancient times, people have been known to the properties of ginger — a powerful aphrodisiac. He encourages sensuality effect, and still invigorates and helps to recover strength. Then a cup of tea with the ginger is what you need first night of love.


Red hot chili peppers

The popular medicine recommends that you eat red peppers whole, freeze-dried dressing is not so effective. After the meal, the person feels an increase of strength and self — confidence- plus the right attitude to complete the evening.


The ancient greeks, and the romans will have noticed that the anise has the ability to amplify the passion and the struggle with nervous tension. What you need for the harmonization of sexual sphere! Anise can be added to meat dishes, tea and coffee making facilities.


The aroma of vanilla is practically synonymous with warmth and comfort, then this spice is the best of all relieves nervous tension and stress. If your man is the subject of these misfortunes, because its ease of sweet vanilla.


This nut contains a large quantity of vitamin E, which is also called "vitamin of youth". In such a way that the regular consumption of almonds literally rejuvenates the body from the inside — the power is the same, as 20 years. Only one condition — the almonds need to eat cheese, and not fried.


Are you looking for products for potency in men of quick action? Walnut — exactly the type of product. The fact is that this nut is rich in zinc and magnesium, which are involved in the production of testosterone. And still, some of the amino acids contained in walnuts, which can neutralize the negative impact of alcohol and tobacco.


A month after the wedding, not for nothing is called "honey", because honey helps to prolong the erection. In addition, regular consumption of honey helps to improve the quality of the sperm. The total effect of firming and enhancing immunity — a nice bonus.

Sesame seeds

The sesame is rich In vitamins of the b group and calcium, which has a beneficial effect on the male libido. And still, lowers the level of anxiety and helps to increase resistance to stress. Most useful raw sesame seeds — the level of nutrients in it superior to that treaty. And sesame oil can be fed salads.

Oysters and mussels

It is said that the famous lover Casanova began the day with mussels, and oysters, and for this reason it was required of victories on the face of love. Exotic crustaceans is a product that increases the potency in men almost instantly. They are rich in selenium and zinc. These are substances that increase the activity of sperm and are involved in the production of testosterone.

Sesame seeds


In Singapore, the scientists of many years ago, has demonstrated the use of bananas for male potency. A group of men who participated in the study, pointed out that the regular consumption of bananas has led to an increase in sexual desire. And the potassium and magnesium, which are found in abundance in these yellow fruits, they help to improve endurance and strengthen the heart.


Oranges are rich in antioxidants and vitamin c, that contains in this fruit, and improves the flow of blood to the cavernous body. In addition, regular consumption of oranges and orange juice makes a man energetic and vigorous force remain for the joys of love.


Lemons are rich in vitamin c and the b vitamins and vitamin D. All these vitamins are of vital importance for humans, without them there is apathy, weakness and depression may develop. Then hand the generous, add the lemon man in the tea, and a salad of fresh vegetables, you can drizzle with the juice of this fruit. Still, there is the belief that the lemon is useful for the prevention of testicular cancer and improves the quality of sperm.


The fruit, which is really useful for the health of the men is apples and conventional. Contain a variety of vitamins A, C and B-group, folic acid. All this has a beneficial effect on the manhood, and increases the capacity of conceiving.


The italians are famous for their temperament. You know what is their secret? With each meal that you consume the garlic. Garlic increases the production of testosterone, and therefore has a beneficial effect on potency and libido.


The French, even men are not far behind — on of their love-abundance say all over the world. The secret is simple — on the table, he regularly appears onion soup, which has a powerful effect on virility. This dish is very easy, but the libido has immediate action.


Men the greeks are convinced that before an appointment, you need to drink a glass of carrot juice — otherwise, the fun companion to deliver does not work. This belief is not devoid of logic: carrots contain a lot of beta-carotene. This substance has a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels and helps to develop resistance.


The japanese are convinced that the salad of grated horseradish directly affects power. Then eat regularly this useful vegetable as is the cheese and in brine. It is rich in beta-carotene, potassium, calcium, folic acid, and phosphorus — a good combination for the health of men.


Flounder is rich in vitamin B12, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins A, D, and E. in Addition, in this fish contains natural aphrodisiacs, so it is the best dish for a romantic dinner — the fun continues guaranteed.

The eggs

The quail or the eggs are a great source of good cholesterol, proteins, and vitamins of group B. All that is necessary for male power, so do not neglect omelette in the menu.


Red meat — it is absolutely necessary for men product, which is rich in protein and vitamin B12. Certainly, fat and meat grilled to abuse is not necessary, but must be present in the diet.


Chicken and offal, and beef are rich in zinc, selenium, vitamins e and A — almost like abroad oysters. But unlike the expensive clams, offal, you can buy it on the market for a penny. Dual-use: so you and risparmieresti a lot of money and feed the man is a useful product.


Black chocolate

Lovers of black chocolate can always boast a good erection, then suggest it is a pleasure to her man. The consumption of chocolate increases the level of endorphins, the hormones of joy, creates a sense of tranquillity and security. All of this is very positive prejudice the interest of the opposite sex.

Now you know the complete list of useful products for men. To increase the power of their need to eat regularly — for the result has been consistent. A wide choice allows you to prepare a large number of dishes, so that you would not have problems with the daily menu.

Dishes, increase the power

It's not worth to think that the preparation of the meals, which are useful for male power, you will waste a lot of time and effort. Most often, they are quite simple and do not require chef skills. If they are securely enter in your menu, the harmony in the intimate sphere of family life guaranteed.

Salad vitamin

  • 1 small radish
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 apple
  • Olive oil

All the necessary ingredients to grate it and drizzle with olive oil. On request it is possible to add lemon juice. This salad is particularly useful in the winter — it is rich in vitamin C, which protects from colds.

Tomato sauce

  • 500 grams of passata di pomodoro (tomato purée) or of the bank of canned tomato sauce
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic
  • Olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon of basil, dry
  • Ground black pepper to taste
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar
  • Half a cup of water

Skip the garlic through the masher or affected, and after a little saute in olive oil. Add Passata or tinned tomatoes and stir. Add the water, spices, salt and sugar. The sugar is necessary — will not make the sweet sauce, but simply to remove the acid of the tomato. This sauce is suitable for pizza and pasta — Italian recipe!

Oven-baked plaice with lemon and garlic

  • Plaice
  • Salt
  • Ground black pepper
  • The juice of half a lemon
  • A couple of cloves of garlic

Flounder need to clean, rub inside and out with salt and pepper, wrap it in tin foil and bake in the oven for 40-45 minutes. In this time, combine the juice of half a lemon, the garlic and leave the mixture to beer. Finished the fish and serve, sprinkling with garlic-lemon sauce.

This recipe — Montenegro. Just eat the fish in this country.

Onion soup at the French

  • 3-4 large bulbs
  • 20 grams of butter
  • 1 liter of broth
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Yesterday baton
  • Grated cheese

Slice the onion rings, and off in the butter until golden brown. Do not be in a hurry — if onions cooked burns out, the soup will be ruined. When the onion reaches a desired state, just one litre of broth, add salt and pepper. Leave the soup to simmer for another 15 minutes and remove from heat. Slices of yesterday's baton in pieces, add the grated cheese and leave in the oven until it is appetizing golden and crisp. Serve the soup with croutons, bon appétit! Onion soup at the French is simple. If you want to diversify, you can replace half of the vegetable broth and white wine. The alcohol evaporates during the cooking.

Drink ginger

Drink ginger

  • A piece of ginger root, fresh dimensions with the phalanx of a finger
  • 2 slices of lemon
  • 1-2 teaspoons of honey
  • 500 ml of water

The ginger must grate, pour boiling water and leave under the lid for 15-20 minutes. After the hot broth, add the lemon juice and honey is ready, you can enjoy it. This drink hot on a cold night faster, and helps you feel better with the cold. For a variety of ginger you can prepare with the mint, and for lovers of spicy — with a piece of red pepper.

What will help you to restore the power?

Now you know what are the products increase potency in men, you have a list of recipes from them, but as you can still help a man feel young again? Need sport, the light and the reduction of the weight.

Cardio is useful for the heart and blood vessels, but this does not mean that you have to run in the gym. Walk in the park or simply a couple of stops traveled on foot, perfectly will have an impact on sexual function. And snorkeling enthusiasts can try walking in the swimming pool — will be grateful for not only the heart, but and back. And may be, for the man addressed to ping-pong? You can play together with the wife, in fact, common hobbies strengthen the marriage. The second point is a continuation of the first. If a man has an excess of weight is a negative impact on the erection. Then it is better to reduce — will be useful not only for the sexual system, but also for the overall health of the body.

The light is an important component for the health of the men, because without light in the body begins to produce a hormone, melatonin, which indicates that it is time to retire for the night, and inhibits the sexual desire. So it's worthwhile to go outdoors day by day, open your curtains and turn on the light in the evening — so intimate life will improve much faster.